Monday, July 2, 2007

Immigration: Mission Accomplished?

Talk Radio, the conservative movement, and Americans everywhere are declaring victory over last week's defeat of the "Amnesty" bill in Washington.

I think that we should rent an aircraft carrier, put up a sign declaring victory, and get someone cool to ride a plane onto the ship, and talk about how the mission has been accomplished.

Why? Because the victory we're declaring is only the opening salvo in the battle for our nation. Like President Bush, dressed up (he dresses up like a cowboy and a airpane pilot more than anyone I've ever met that wasn't over 10), ready for his flight, with the gleam of arrogance in his eye, the American people have fallen for the great head fake.

All we did was not allow our Federal Government to make the problem worse.... We still have the problem!!

President Bush has failed his Constitutional (You remember that document, right?) responsibilities by not making it a priority to solve this problem in a rational way.

Many former supporters have seen the arrogance ("I'll see you at the bill signing") that I have seen since January of 2001. The arrogance that has turned the world against our nation. The arrogance that has allowed millions of people to cross our borders to work at factories and take Americans jobs. Those factory owners did not vote for Al Gore, or John Kerry, I can guarantee that.

To say the Democrats benefit exclusively from this problem is as arrogant as this administration.

So don't declare victory. The mission is not accomplished. Not by a long-shot.

We still have work to do.