Hello...... LP!!........ is anybody home?
Does the Libertarian Party want to win?
I've always referred to my self as "little l" libertarian because I never joined the party. I voted for Libertarian candidates when I thought they had the best platform.
I think the philosophy of The Libertarian Party is grand, but I'm not sure I like their campaign strategy. Or lack thereof, as it would seem.
I've offered to do interviews with candidates who know I may have a slight tendency to support Libertarian Candidates.........Read LP does not want to win elections
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
Beat...... Beat....... Beat..... You can hear them in the distance. The war drums, preparing us for yet another Bush Administration war. Iran, another member of the axis of feeble hears them too.During the last two republican debates, many of the candidates have discussed Iran, and possibly using tactical Nukes to destroy any nuclear facility in the Persian Empire. Nine out of Ten (the tenth being Ron Paul
Jackson County GA: Real Estate Boom
I grew up in Jackson County Georgia, about 60 miles northeast of Atlanta on the I-85 corridor. I grew up on Jackson Trail road, back before the developers moved in. And they have moved in. Jackson County is the 43rd fastest growing county in the nation, and has been moving down the list at a very fast pace since 2000. I don't live in Jackson County now, but I still consider it home......Read Real Estate Boom
If you've been to Europe lately, you may have noticed how weak the U.S. dollar is right now.
The Euro is strong, and there have even been whispers here in America about a new North American Union, a E.U. style body, complete with a common money. (The Amero?)....Read The Fair Tax and the Euro
After much consideration, I have developed the opinion that Ron Paul should no longer be allowed to participate in any further Republican Debates He does not belong on stage with the rest of the field......read No GOP debates for Ron Paul
The following are the answers to 10 questions I emailed Raymond McKinney, who is seeking the Republican Nomination for Vice President of The United States......Read Ray McKinney For VP
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The Liberals Guide to libertarianism
Have I been ignoring my liberal friends lately?
Maybe.... I think I've been trying to show many liberals that there is a different kind of conservative out there. A Goldwater conservative who'll discuss the issues, not just spout buzzwords and make personal accusations and ignore your points......Read The Liberals Guide to Libertarianism