Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Reaganomics Of Immigration

I'm trying to keep on top of the immigration battle on capital hill (the battle between the people and the government that is), and it looks like we're going to be cutting the number of guest workers we allow into our country by 1/2 (from 800,000 to 400,000).

I think the Republican party should step forward and stop this from happening

After all, they are the party of "supply-side economics", or as I like to call it "tinkle-down-economics".

A condensed and G-Blog opinionated version example of Supply-side economics:

You've got a company that makes televisions. In order to spur the economy, supply-siders wish to target the company with tax cuts and credits. This will allow the company to hire more employees, build more televisions, and those employees buy products and services from other companies who have lower prices because there is a higher supply. Presto!!: You have an economic upturn.

Now for the record, I've never been a big fan of supply side economics for tax policy. As a libertarian I do not think the government tax burden should be large enough to effect the economy to begin with.

But Republicans love Reaganomics. Why don't they think it should apply here? If we increase the supply, won't it lessen the demand, which keeps illegal immigration down?

Reagan would say it does.

This bill is wrong for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, immigrants, aliens and all Americans alike. This is what happens when you band-aid a problem to cut the discussion out of the election process.

It's playing politics on both sides, and we should not take this anymore.

Contact your Senator, Representative and President to let them know how you feel about this bill. Then show them how you feel about it at your next election.

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Real News

updated May 24th

Giuliani: Suggestion 911 was invited

Unholy Trinity: Katrina, Albaugh and Brown..........The Real News Project

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Next Generation Of Politics

I've been blogging for about 2 months now, and I can tell you I have met some of the smartest, most interesting people in our country here on the Internet. Every comment, positive or negative has made an impact on me, and even if I don't respond, know I read them. I'm constantly re-evaluating my positions on the issues, and I'd ask you to do the same.

One of the more interesting people that I've communicated with is Daniel Myers. Daniel is the host of a blogtalkradio show and publishes a blog, both of which are called "Politics One".

Daniel interviews candidates from all parties, and independent, on what I think is a personal quest to help get political candidates' ideas out to people who might not otherwise hear them. He also talks about the issues, and allows people to call in to his shows.

He was the sole political analyst on the blogtalkradio show that hosted the Libertarian Party Forum the other night. He's listed on Mike Gravels' Official website. He's interviewed most of the major Libertarian candidates, and many of the independents running for President on his radio show. I'd say he knows more about politics than just about anyone reading this, and I'm including myself!!

Oh yeah.......And he's only 16.

I wanted to ask 10 questions of Daniel, hopefully so he could tell us if he thought other people his age are turned off by politics, and see if he could tell us why he obviously was not. Thankfully, he answered my questions, and I want to share them with you:

1: When did you first become interested in politics?

When my dad first ran for public office, I was 10 years old. I learned a lot about politics on the local level at that time, and since that point (7 years ago) I have now learned more about Politics than most people have as an adult.

2: Tell us about your first radio show: How old were you? How did it go?

My first radio show was conducted on March of this year, I only had about 9 LIVE Listeners and only about
22 Archived. Today I average 65 LIVE Listeners and about 2,000 Archived

3: How are your grades? (sorry, I have to ask this one!!)

I have been a straight A Student up until my 8th grade year I made my first B. When I got into High School my grades kept the same except in Science, I normally average a low B High C.

4: Do you think you'll ever run for office?

I would be surprised if I didn't. I believe I can do a lot in the Communications Part of it, but I would love to serve in Political Office.

5: Generally, how would you describe your political views?

My Blog, Show, Myspace, and everything I do with Politics One, is strictly Bi-Partisan. That's something you wont see from a lot of Political People. You have Conservatives, Liberals, and then you have the "Bi-Partisan" Independents. I am neither. I strictly give you the POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, and Inside Scoop on all parties and people. However my views do tend to be slightly Conservative.

6: Do you have a hero, someone you look up to in the radio or political world?

Honestly, No. I have never really had a hero in Politics other than my Father.

7: Do you think most people your age care about politics? Why or Why not?

If you would have asked me this question 5-10 years ago the answer would have been NO, however I feel that teenagers and other young adults are beginning to realize that everything we know is ran by the Government, Education, Taxes, Social Security, Health Care, Civil Rights is all in the hands of our Government. And the only way to change the Government is to change Politics.

8: If the Presidential election was today, who do you think would win?

Giuliani. I think Rudy Giuliani would win because people see Compassion and Commitment in him. He is not a career politician, he isn't someone who has been in DC voting against what the people want and voting for what the people don't want.

9: Tell us about the most interesting radio show you've done:

The most Interesting radio show would have to be when I interviewed an Independent running for President who wanted to turn America back to the ways of Camelot. That was the best just for the laughs.

10: What do you think is the most important issue in politics today?

Immigration. Some might say National Security, but my response to that is take care of Immigration and you'll get rid of half our National Security Problems.


Agree or disagree with what he says on the radio, you can't deny the passion he has for politics. Listen to his shows and you'll see what I mean. When I was his age, the last thing I thought about was the national debt, illegal immigration, party politics or anything related to politics at all. He talks about these issues every Tuesday and Thursday.

Daniel's answer to question number 7 (Do you think most people your age care about politics? ) surprised me. Pleasantly I must say.

Maybe the next generation will be the one to turn politics around, so it works for the people again. I'd like to do it now, but maybe its our destiny to set the stage.

Either way, Daniel Myers has gotten one heck of a head start.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

John Bootie: The-G-Blog Interview

When I posted the interview with Dr. George Phillies, I got a few emails from other hopefuls wishing to get their message out.

In the interest of being independent, I conducted an e-interview with John Bootie, who is running as an independent for President.

I emailed 10 questions (in red) and I did not tamper with his answers.

Notice, I do not endorse anyone for president...Yet.

I just want to make sure people who want to make a change get their word out.

1: Why are you running for President?

When I was growing up it was a boy's dream to be president or astronaut or baseball player. I believe in the saying either your one of the sources of the problem or your one of the causes of a problem.. I believe I have the ability to do this Job as well as and I believe even better than the candidates I have seem say their running so far... I am not saying I have more experience I am saying I believe we honestly need New Blood in the Office. Someone who is not a so called insider.

2: How would you be the next Lincoln-Reagan?

Lincoln and Reagan were servants to the People as I will be. I also see in their service to the People they relied heavily on Prayer, the Bible, and GOD to make the hard decisions. I believe that the 3 of us have one very rare virtue COMMONSENSE.. I have a PhD. in Commonsense. from the School of Life.

Lincoln served with Great Humility and Reagan served with wit and charm to get the JOB done. Both men and I have always believed this Nation is the greatest Nation on earth and want to keep it that way.

3: Tell us why your different than other candidates running?

I am single so I can devote my entire energies to the Office. I am a fiscally responsible, Social Conservative, Ultra Conservative when it comes to money, and Hard Line when it comes to this Nations defense.. I am Willing to make the Hard choices no matter the Political winds or what polls say. And as I have said in my profile, if I didn't TRY to make the changes I run ON. I wouldn't run again. This doesn't mean if I can't get them done because of partisan politics. I know their will be a hard fought fight to get this government on a new track for reform. I just hope these people in Washington are ready for a guy like me.

4: If you had to vote for one Democrat and one Republican currently running for President, who would your vote be for?

I would not Vote for any Democrat that is running so far but if Zell Miller (GA) were to run. I would vote for him in a heart beat. As for the Republican candidates so far. It would at the minute probably be Mitt Romney, it is way to early to tell what the political winds will do.

5: What would be your immigration policy, if you were elected?

I would Request For a period of 6 month's (NO visas) Shut the border to legal and Illegal Entry. Then Start the Fence with the funds that are available to it. And request more. Then after we have a Handle on legal Entry (Yes I know it will take more than 6 months to build the fence) we can open the border to LEGAL entry.. During the Six month's I would Start my Special US Attorney I campaigned on to start Legal Proceedings including Prison time, against any Judges, Mayors, States, Attorneys, Employers that have either professed to have safe havens or that just don't enforce the Laws as they are on the books.. I don't believe we need to write new ones. We just need to enforce the ones we have... Along with this I would start work on revoking any and all free programs directed at ILLEGAL ALIENS... This is only part of my border plans. sorry long winded.

6: How do you feel about the war on drugs?

I honestly haven't seem much results. But to be honest I am not in a position to be in the loop on subjects like this.... YET..... I do see that we have a long way to go with respect to ending the access to Illegal DRUGS.. I would have to get a whole NEW understanding as to just how bad it really is. And Act from there. This may sound short sighted but in the case of the drugs and our people. I need more information.

7: Would you support The Fair Tax?

Yes but I also have Tax Idea's: I am Big on the Flat Tax Idea: I want to explore getting the Congress to do away with the IRS as it is today and Go to the Flat Tax system... Probably Estimating 17 or 18% Federal, 4 or 5% State, and 1 or 1 1/2% Local. (our local County is a flat tax system Lancaster County Pa)

8: If you could repeal one constitutional amendment, and replace it with a new one, what would they be?

I can't say I would repeal any of the Constitution or the amendments. But I would say the free speech amendment needs re-written. It needs clarification.. First off their is nothing in the Constitution to even draw question to free speech.. The fact is today most people have Never read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence. It's clear "Congress shall NOT enact laws governing the free speech of people". It's so clear that people are not able to just say anything they wish. As in Yelling Fire in a crowded building or saying Bomb in an Airport or on a plane.

9: How do you feel about government and religion?

I am A Born Again Christian.. And Proud TO say it that way.... I believe there is a problem in the belief's of people today. when it comes to Church and Government. The federalist papers were addressing the State Of Connecticut when Jefferson wrote about church and state. He was addressing the State endorsing a church and he was addressing the problems there of. I honestly believe he never wanted the total separation of the Church from the Government or everyday life.

10: What would you say to people who say you can't win?

I have said it already. I put my total trust in GOD to see me through this. I have asked him to close doors and he opened more doors. I am and will always include GOD in every step of this campaign and my years in office as President. I know it's a daunting and Huge Up hill battle with having No past political experience or past Name recognition. But these both can be valuable assets as well. I am running as an Independent just because of the nay Sayers, I know when the primaries are over I wouldn't be able to continue if in a party.

Let John know what you think. You can visit his website or his myspace profile and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Let me know what you think about the interview and Mr. Bootie as well. As always, your participation is key to this process

Monday, May 21, 2007

The LP Candidate Forum

Tonight I listened intently as the majority of Libertarian Presidential candidates discussed their views in a forum on blogtalkradio.

It was very interesting to hear the candidates discuss the issues. This was not a debate. Each candidate had 6 minutes to present their appeal to Libertarians everywhere

I agree with Daniel Myers from Politics One that Wayne Allen Root definitely presented the best case tonight, though I'd be concerned at how seriously a "reality show" candidate would be taken by the media, members of the LP, and the American People.

But it could get the message out, like nothing else has. I'm really not sure about this one, but its worth discussing I guess

I'd say Dr. Phillies comfortably took the 2nd place position, and Bob Jackson was a closer-than-expected (for me anyway) third.

Christine Smith wasn't there, and the man reading her speech didn't seem make the case perhaps she could have. The speech, to me was too general. Libertarians want to know the issues. Of course, maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt since she wasn't there.

In any event, it was great to hear the candidates speak. I look forward to more of this in the future. Libertarians should take advantage of the Democrats and Republicans early start.

All the candidates have plenty of time now to show why neither of the other parties is working for America anymore.

I'm going to try to get the rebroadcast on my blog. Until then, click the blogtalkradio link here or above to be taken to the site where it aired.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Real News

updated May 20th 20007

Iraq's Sadr Overhauls His Tactics....................Washington Post

Left Off The Information Superhighway.........Alter Net

Israel Threatens Stronger Military Steps In Gaza........Reuters

Bloomberg Holds 'Third Party' Wild Card......News Max

The Most Biased Name in

Ron Paul Supporters should read this...................User Mode

Another One Of Our Babies Is Missing........The Black Informant

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