Saturday, July 28, 2007

Can Ron Paul Get Elected?

Buy Ron Paul stuff on Amazon

This is a tough question. The optimist in me wants to say: "The American people are starting to see the light, and Ron Paul can help America start to turn the tide".

The Pessimist part of me keeps saying: "He can't win because he doesn't have a fair shake. He doesn't have the p.r. machine, or the money to buy ads, so he can't get his message out".

I'd love to help get Ron Paul nominated for the Republican ticket. That would be optimal.

But because I fear this to be, at this point at least, unlikely I have decided to institute a three chance strategy to help Dr. Paul get more attention, and eventually nominated on a ticket that can compete, at least enough to get enough attention to continue the cause. I'd like to briefly outline this strategy

Vote for Ron Paul in your Republican primaries

1) I will likely vote for Ron Paul in my state's primary. I will also attempt to convince as many readers and friends to do the same. As I mentioned before, this is the optimal situation, though the least likely.

But the more people who learn about Ron Paul through his affiliation with the Republican Party, the more people who will likely follow him (or recruit him, as may need to be the case) to the next chance.

Draft Ron Paul to accept the Libertarian nomination

2) I believe that the Libertarian Party would welcome another Ron Paul Presidential run. He'd bring a lot of attention to the party, and have the best chance to really compete ever. This would be great for the Libertarian Party, and even though Ron Paul has said he's not interested in doing this, its going to be hard for many of his supporters to give up and support Giuliani or Clinton if he's not the nominee. Many of us see that this is not just a Ron Paul Revolution, but an attempt by the people to re-establish control of the government.

Nominate Ron Paul to the Unity 08 ticket

3) I am a founding delegate of Unity 08. If you are not familiar with what Unity 08 is, visit their website. To summarize, the delegates will nominate a Republican and a Democrat to represent the ticket via an online vote. If the winner accepts the nomination, they will be given the ticket's support for the campaign. I feel that if the people who followed him from either the GOP or the LP joined Unity 08, and voted for him in the online nomination process, we could form a powerful block, and shape the ticket to really have a chance to change the way things are run in Washington DC.

So I know, I'm trying to think 3 steps ahead of a process that really hasn't gone into full-speed mode yet. The fact of the matter is, if you support Ron Paul, and are not willing to take no by the GOP for an answer, its time to start thinking about what's next. Vote for Ron Paul in the Republican primary in your state, and tell people to do the same.

Just don't put all of your eggs into a basket that is as badly made as the GOP.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Ron Paul And The Fair Tax: Can I support both?

So, as you can see, I'm both a fan of Ron Paul, and The Fair Tax.

But does Ron Paul Support the Fair tax?

Actually, it appears that there is not a clear answer to this. He has suggested that he would vote for the Fair Tax if brought to a vote on the house floor, but he does not think its the best possible solution either.

I can understand his position actually. The fair tax would not reduce government income. Those reductions would have to come later.

One of the main problems I have with the Fair Tax, is that it is inclusive. I want people to see how much tax they pay.

For me, the situation is simple. I do not support all of Ron Paul's positions, but that doesn't mean I can't support him. He may indeed be the President that would sign the Fair Tax law, something no candidate (except Mike Gravel) is offering to make a priority, and I'm sure he'd be more likely to force Congress to cut spending than any other major candidate in the race.

Ron Paul is the best chance we have to start to take our government back. If that means the Fair Tax has to wait another 5 years, I'll make that trade and not think twice.

Of course, both would be nice

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Republicans for Hilary: Wasting your vote for the good of our country

What if Republican voters in states that allow open primaries went to the polls to vote for John Edwards?

Or Barak Obama?

What if they went in droves to vote for her to head the Democratic ticket?

As I've stated many times, she's the only way the Republicans can win in 2008, and Republicans have known this for some time.

They've done this before, perhaps on a smaller scale. A few years ago, the Republican party made a deal with Denise Magette to allow her to run unopposed in the general election after many Republicans crossed the aisle to vote against Cynthia McKinney.

I've made it known that this plan will backfire.

It may however create an opening for someone like Ron Paul. Ron Paul is one of the few Republican candidates who is a great deal more conservative than Senator Clinton.

So, as a supporter of independent candidates, Ron Paul, and Unity 08, I say to all good Republicans who don't like to think about the issues, and easily fall for the deamonization of the "other side", go out and do your part. Vote for Hillary Clinton in your local primary.

If you are going to be stupid enough to fall for this "Hitlery" bull-poop (she's more conservative than Rudy Giuliani for heavan's sake), you deserve to waste your vote, which in turn will give those of us who are really trying to change our government that much more power.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Pork Barrel Spending: Why is it so bad?

According to the Chinese calendar, 2007 is the Year of the Pig. We hear about "Pork Barrel Spending" or "earmarks" all the time when we hear about congressional spending. Supposedly this is when a representative sets aside an amount of money to send to a special project in his or her district.

It helps them get elected.

But besides the politicians, who really benefit from these "earmarks"?

A lot of time, its the people who contribute the most to the Representative's campaign

I'm going to use Lockheed Martin, as an example. Their F-22 Raptor has funding through 2009, even though the Raptor is obsolete, and the Government Accounting office has asked the Defense Committee to stop funding for the project. They build 20 a year, at a cost of $120 Million per ($2,400,000,000 total).

In return, Lockheed Martin gave Georgia Senators Saxby Chambliss $21,000 and Johnny Isakson $23,500 (there is a large complex of Lockheed Martin in Marietta Georgia), and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) $10,500 (who is on the Defense Appropriations sub-committee) between 1999 and 2004.

That's a pretty good return on your investment. Especially when you are selling a plane who's updated replacement (F-35) costs $35 million each (also made by Lockheed Martin).

That $183,200 they gave to our government officials during only this six year period, costs every taxpayer about $18.35 every year.

This is a disgrace, and it is the major reason that our government no longer thinks it answers to us.

This isn't a Republican Problem (though the Republicans always seem to get the most money) or a Democrat problem (though since they took over Congress earlier this year "earmarks" are at its at its lowest level since 1999).

This is a government problem, and its time we start to let our Representatives (local, state and federal) that we're on to them, and we're going to make a change soon.