Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Mandatory Imus Headline

Sorry, Everybody's got a "Imus" headlines now, and I kinda felt left out
But I think we've got bigger fish to fry.

I don't think the Republicans or Democrats are being intellectually honest with us about the war in Iraq, or Afghanistan. (In unison, YEAH!!)

We need to have a serious debate (not just here, but in the White House as well) about our foreign policy. (YEAH!)

Our government is cashing checks that our kids are going to have to pay for (with interest). We've got to figure out a way to stop that now. (YEAH!,,,,,, YEAH!!!)

I think we should eliminate the Postal Service and open the market up to regulated competition. (WHAT THE.&^%#!!).

I think I could convince a Postal carrier to support my position. But we need to solve the 1st three problems first. I'll blog about that another time (I'm supposed to leave you wanting for more, right?). Until then, lets discuss these issues until we can demand answers from our representatives.

Read my blog "info on tonight game". This whole thing is just another great example of the media (which I think is Republican biased by the way), chasing us off the government's sent. I agree, it is an issue, but there is a lot of things that aren't getting payed attention to right now. And everybody in the government is happy about that.