Wednesday, May 30, 2007

RNC for Hillary Clinton:

I have been aware of the RNC's almost overt strategy to force the Democratic party's Presidential nomination onto Senator Hillary Clinton for some time now. Its getting more intense as we count the days until November 2008.

The strategy is obvious, and the tactical operations are already under way. There are signs all over Atlanta (paid for by the local radio station) blasting Senator Clinton while advertising for Shawn Hannity's radio show.

The RNC understands that Senator Clinton is their best chance to get any Republican elected in 2008. They need her, and they need her to be successful.

With Democratic nominee Clinton, the Republicans think they have the perfect storm setup to keep control of the White House, and re-assume control of both houses of Congress.

The Republicans will be able to appeal to their base (conservatives who are anti-Clinton to the core), and with Mitt Romney or Rudolph Giuliani (or Newt Gingrich, as I have predicted) as the Republican nominee and their base secured, they can make a b-line toward the center of American Politics.

You remember the center, right? The center elected George W. Bush President. The center also put the Democrats back in charge at the beginning of this year.

With the base energized, and the center in your corner (believe me, the Republican nominee will be hopping a jet plane to the center as soon as he can), you cant loose.

This is going to backfire on the Republican Party, and the result could likely be a 2nd Clinton Administration.

You see, the center is starting to wake up. The center is beginning to understand what both the Republican and Democratic parties are all about. They are about whatever it takes to win an election. They are about using fear (of a Clinton Presidency for the right, and Iraq for the left) to maintain a strangle hold on power.

Neither party has been about governing for quite some time.

We are going to have a major 3rd party candidate this year. Whether it be Ron Paul, Michael Bloomberg, George Phillies or someone else, it is inevitable. And it will affect the outcome of the election. This 3rd way will divide the center into 3 separate but unequal blocks of voters. Check out those first two names. Do you really think either one of them are going to take votes from Hillary Clinton?

The RNC is firing up their base. But they're also firing up Senator Clinton's base, and getting her votes. The cente-left is going to vote for Senator Clinton if she's nominated. Because of Iraq (it doesn't make sense, I know, but I'm not wrong), and the Bush Administration's incompetence to govern (this one makes complete sense to me.) The center-right is going to either not vote (because they don't think they have a choice) or vote for the 3rd party candidate.

I do not support Senator Clinton because of her policy ideas. I do not believe government health care is wise, nor do I think that throwing more money into the educational system that needs a total overhaul to be in the best interest of our country. I don't call her names because I understand her positions, and that is reason enough for me not to support her. I don't think she's Hitler. I just think she's wrong.

But the RNC is going to get Hillary Clinton elected President of the United States. So remember the next time you throw the word "libtard" or "Hitlery" into your comment to Doc Jay's blog that you probably just helped give Hillary Clinton one more vote.

That's why I'm blaming you when she takes the oath. Not the liberals. Not the 3rd party voters. Not Hillary Clinton. At least she's smart enough to realize what's going on and embrace it.

That shows a political shrewdness of the highest order, and I think we can thank the most conservative President since Richard Nixon (I'm talking about Bill Clinton) for seeing it, and taking advantage of the RNC strategy.

After all, it worked for him twice, didn't it?