Much has been made about Governor Mike Huckabee's success
with social conservatives. They came out with enthusiasm to support the former Southern Baptist minister in Iowa and helped push him into both the winning slot, but the national spotlight as well.
But the pundits, either by ineptitude (see all the news coverage by the major news outlets in the last 20 years), or choice, have missed the silent support that The Fair Taxers have given him.
Huckabee and The Fair Tax: The Real Reason For His Success
As a baptist minister (and I'm guessing a pretty damn good one from what I've seen of him on television) he brings the progressive attitude that seems to lean toward favoring "The Less Fortunate".The Fair Tax may well just do that. Ignored or derided by the mainstream media, the 23% National Sales Tax (there's just a little more to it than that) has been gaining support for years, slowly, with the help of a conservative (he says he Libertarian) talk show host Neal Boortz, and
As the primaries move south, this is an issue that the mainstream media will hopefully no longer be able disregard this idea.
Now lets just hope they present the plan based on the facts. I doubt Anderson Cooper will read "The Fair Tax Book