The G Blog is moving to Liberty Talk Live, an online radio show about Libertarians and liberty issues. Next guest will be the South Carolina Campaign Coordinator for Ron Paul's 2008 campaign.
Make sure to listen Wednesday night @ 9p.m. for this interview. If you've linked to this website, please change your links to the new website.
Oh, and don't worry, I'm leaving the blog up as an archives, but will no longer post here.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The G Blog Is Now Liberty Talk Live
Labels: liberty talk live
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Iraq, Afghanistan, The U.S. and beyond: Its The Border....Stupid
As a libertarian, I'm in favor of a relatively open border. The major difference I have with the LP is that I believe we should know who is coming, and have the right of refusal. I've written that a wall wouldn't keep me out, that this is a problem only Mexico can really solve, and I maintain that position.
What surprised me the most at the other nights Democratic debate is the fact that only one candidate (Chris Dodd) raised their hand to say they opposed giving drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants.
It reminds me of what has happened to the country over the last few years.
I've come to the conclusion that its the border.....stupid.
The Afghani Border
In Afghanistan, we didn't immediately secure the border with Pakistan (or Iran for that matter), and have still been unable to achieve this objective to date. This has allowed Osama Bin Laden (who we're no longer concerned about, by the way) to skirt capture for over 6 years. Its also allowed the Taliban to, from time to time, rally and cause trouble for our undersized military force there.
I'm not a professional military strategist, but its seems, we would have secured the border first. The argument is that its virtually impossible to secure the porous mountainous border along the southern part of the country.
That dog won't hunt. If Bin Laden can get to any point on the border, our forces can as well. We just didn't send enough troops to achieve this objective.
Maybe it was never an objective.
The Iraqi Border
The invasion went without a hitch. The occupation (which our military isn't trained for) has not gone so well. We've found that its apparently easy to sneak ordinance across the border (from wherever) to use on our military men and women.
One of the principal problems that war-hawks site when selling their planned invasion of Iran is that they have funded the resistance. They have supplied the terrorists (the ones fighting the sect of Islam that actually attacked the U.S. on September 11th) with arms, IED materials, and even personnel.
Seems like this has been our military planners fault. Was Iran our ally when we invaded (we supported Saddam's side in the Iran-Iraq war of the eighties)? Did we not think that the Iranians would attempt to aid their shia brethren who had been so mistreated under the previous regime's rule?
Were we concerned that Iran, who had the most developed WMD program in the middle-east, who had (even before Akmadenijad) threatened to "destroy Israel", who had actually attacked the U.S. forces in Beirut in the eighties, might try to destabilize the region?
The U.S. border
Our government has obviously made the decision that we are not going to close our southern borders. Its also decided that it will not legalize the illegal immigrants are here, leaving them in a permanent state of purgatory. That's how the government keeps our wages down.
If we were so concerned about terrorists sneaking across the border, we'd have at least made the attempt to secure it. Of course, that would slow down the push for the NAU, which will eventually be the mother of all border situations.
This is not an indictment of the Bush Administration alone. The Democratically controlled congress has not even brought this issue up. They're too busy trying to fund state health care (I want to emphasize the word State in State Children's Healthcare Program or S-Chip) to stand up to our fearful (as in fearful of Al,Queada, Saddam Husein, Iran, Gay marriage, and evidently horses) leader on any meaningful issue.
So I am going to write my representatives, and ask them the question... The question they, the press, or up until now the American people have failed to ask........ What are you going to do about the border situation? The one in Iraq, Afghanistan, and here in The United States.
Its a shame we have to ask.
Labels: afghanistan, GWOT, immigration, Iran, Iraq, Opinion
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Ron Paul Revolution - Let Your Light Shine

There is no doubt that supporters of Dr. Ron Paul are fervent in their support. Supporters of Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, Rudolph Giuliani, and even Barack Obama don't have 1/2 the passion for their candidate that Congressman Paul has.
These supporters know that the mainstream media is against their candidate, yet they persist. The fact that the mainstream media ignores Dr. Paul only fuels the fires that his supporters have created.
Most of his supporters know that the mainstream media does not report the news, and the fact that Congressman Paul is all but ignored, is a plus in the minds of many of his "revolutionaries".
Ron Paul is only one candidate. He will likely not win the Republican nomination, and has stated he will not run as an independent candidate in the general election. When he is officially out of the race, will the Ron Paul Revolution die?
I think not. What Ron Paul has done is create an awareness of a Democratic-Republican run disaster that is our official foreign and domestic policy. We spend too much money at home and abroad, and are creating a reliance on government. Reliance on the government is like being addicted to crack-cocaine, crystal meth and heroine at the same time. The federal government has become our country's dealer, and demand only drives the prices up.
To me, Ron Paul represents the best hope of getting libertarian ideals to the masses. Even if he doesn't win, I believe his movement will continue to grow.
Many Americans have seen the light. They've finally realized that the Democratic-Republican party is only a choice between gay marriage, the decorating parameters for government walls, and who will fund our demise. Reliance on Government is not a choice, if you're only aware of the Democrat and Republican parties.
This is why the followers of Paul work so hard to let their light shine. To most people, its not even about Ron Paul. Its what he represents that have potential voters willing to follow him to the ends of the earth.
So, if this is your first time reading my blog, understand I am not just a supporter of Ron Paul. I am a supporter of the Constitution, a humble foreign policy that does not try to dictate our values to other cultures (let alone our own), and a government that is afraid of the American people and not the other way around.
If Ron Paul withdraws from the 08 election tomorrow, I will still be here to shine the light of liberty, and give my hell to the Democratic-Republican party. I will use my keyboard to do my part to make sure that the libertarian ideals that have drawn so many people to Ron Paul, grows for our future. This is my role, and I hope I'm one of the many who do this and take other actions to get the word out that we CAN take our government back.
What am I going to do with this little light of mine?
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Labels: Libertarian, libertrian, liberty, Ron Paul
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
G.O.P To Endorse Hillary Clinton In Her White House Bid
Sounds preposterous, doesn't it?
On the surface, it does. I've listened to so-called conservatives talk for over a decade about the now junior Senator from New York. She's been called everything except a child of God, including "Hitlery", " Hildabeast" and worse.
But as I watched the post-game of the recent Fox "Not The News" News debate between the G.O.P. candidates, it suddenly occurred to me what the Republican National Committee is trying to do.
The Republicans Are Trying To Get Senator Hillary Clinton Elected!
The biggest rise out the panel judging the debate for Fox always came when one of the can'tidates (as in "We Can't Let Hillary Win" Candidates) mentioned the DNCs probable nominee for President.The debate crowd heard "Hillary Clinton" much more than "Ronald Reagan" and we should get ready for more of this. They have to know it makes her stronger every time they speak her name. It makes Democrats think "If this is what the party of GWOT is really afraid of, maybe that's what we need".
It almost makes sense to me (except for the whole "she's not really a liberal" thing that no body's figured out).
I've heard callers on talk radio, and talk radio show hosts say they wanted Senator Clinton to win, so that she could mess things up so bad, the country would have to elect a Republican next time.
They're scared Hillary will create a government health care state
President Bush has laid the foundation with the Seniors drug program, and a failure to talk the American Public (or at least a Republican Congress) into supporting.
They know Senator Clinton will "cut-and-run" in Iraq
Uhh, no she won't... Of all the Democrats seeking the nomination, her policy would most resemble President Bush's stance on foreign affairs, and Iraq.If Senator Hillary Clinton wins the nomination, the Republican Party will have their cake and eat it too. They'll have the President in power most like George Bush, and they'll get to complain about her for 4 (probably 8) years. So-called "Conservative" talk will flourish, and Democrat bashing will abound. Who will be the Kenneth Starr to Bill's Hillary?
After all, if there is one thing we've learned over the last 12 years of "conservative" rule. The G.O.P. makes a much better minority party. They make a better armchair quarterback, than coach. Its better to complain about the way things are run, than actually run them.
The Republican National Committee has figured it out. That's why they're hoping she'll win.
Labels: g.o.p., Hillary Clinton, Opinion
Monday, October 8, 2007
Illegal Immigration: By Presidential Invitation
Many people have argued that the illegal immigrants are an invading force, sent by the South-American (and Mexican) governments to take back the land that was stolen over the last 500 years.
Latinos are quickly becoming the largest minority, and its safe to say that each year we incorporate a little more Latino culture into our own, for good or bad.
Well, if this is an invasion, what is our government doing about it? Its worth mentioning much of the reason we've not succeeded as quickly as we should have is that we're having trouble securing the borders in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is this another "Bush Blunder" to be piled on top of one of the large volumes of piles of mistakes made in the past 6 years?
Maybe this is the one Bush strategy that's worked. Maybe this illegal immigration is by invitation.
President Bush, in 2005, signed the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" along with then Presidents Vicente Fox, and Prime Minister Paul Martin. The SPP (which has not been submitted to Congress for review) official purpose is to provide:
"the framework to ensure that North America is the safest and best place to live and do business. It includes ambitious security and prosperity programs to keep our borders closed to terrorism yet open to trade."
If President Bush's long-term U.S. goal was to merge into a European Union style government, this makes perfect sense. Merge the people, then merge the government. Wouldn't that make it that much easier.
The Canadian and U.S. cultures are pretty much the same (basically), so the real hard part is integrating the Mexican culture into these. It takes a long time, with the need for tangling alliances (Read Jefferson), and cooperation from all parties.
The Mexican Government seems to be cooperating, at least. They give instructions to possible border-crossers, and don't even try to hide it. But this wouldn't be possible without the consent of the Commander-in Chief, who could declare this a National Security Risk, and use our valued troops for defending our homeland.
Isn't that what they've been told they're doing 7,000 miles away?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Giuliani - What Happens If He Becomes "The Decider"?
The latest Gallup Poll survey found that former NYC Mayer Rudolph Giuliani maintain his lead among Republicans seeking the Presidential election in 2008. Despite Fred Thompson officially throwing his hat into the ring, and a surge by Senator John McCain, Mayor Giuliani has been able to stand on top of the dog-pile, which will only help fund-raising.
Giuliani, a liberal Republican who's already blinked at Hillary Clinton once has already started to take his attention off other Republicans seeking the nomination, and focus his energy on the presumptive Democratic nominee, Senator Clinton.
If there's one thing we've learned over the past 7 years, its that a President most important attribute is the ability to make good decisions, in a timely manner, with an understanding of the consequences.With that in mind, I decided to look at a few of former Mayor Giuliani's decisions, and see how they went for him, and the people he represented.
Giuliani's Limo Driver For DHS Secretary?
Giuliani takes care of his people. Bernie Kerik, Mayor Giuliani's former driver can attest to that. Kerik evidently drove so well, that he was pushed through the ranks, eventually settling in as NYC Police Commissioner (he was a former detective as well).Giuliani even recommended his business partner (he headed the Security arm of Giuliani Partners) to his friend President Bush as Homeland Security Secretary.
Problem was, Mr. Kerik had been, well.. should we say, less than ethical (He plead Guilty to 2 ethics violations in 2006), an employer of illegal labor (he admitted he had hired an illegal immigrant as a nanny), and perhaps a tax evader (he is currently under federal investigation).
"We Cannot Let Down Our Guard" Giuliani Style
Rudolph Giuliani is the hero of September 11th. Why do you think he's "America's Mayor"?Our hearts pound as we watch videos of Giuliani walk toward the burning towers, commanding the city from a makeshift emergency command center.
But why was it a "makeshift" command center?
That's because the one that Giuliani built after the WTC attacks of 1997 was in WTC #7.
They say it was nice. Mayor Giuliani had his own elevator, monogrammed towels, a private office with bullet-proof doors, and even a humidor. Yeah, we can look forward to President Giuliani's brand of GWOT with Pizazz!
Sure, he put it in the worst possible place that it could possibly be built. So what if this led to confusion and possible loss of un-needed life on that fateful day. He's America's Mayor, why should any of that matter?
Giuliani - A Man's Man - Gun Totin, 2nd Amendment Supportin, And Just An All-Around "Ass-Kickin" Kind Of Guy
Candidate Giuliani supports the 2nd amendment. He has said so, many times.I will let this video, originally from January 17th, 2007 speak for itself
So am I saying that Rudolph Giuliani is the debil? No of course not. I actually agree with many of Giuliani's social positions (the old ones, the ones he had before he ran for President).
My point, is more than his positions on the issues (take your pick on almost any issue, you can find that at some point, he probably supported your position), but his ability to judge situations, analyze his options, and make good decisions.
Mr. Giuliani would be wise not to run any ads on his decision-making prowess. Sure wouldn't work for me
Labels: Rudy Giuliani, September 11, war on terror
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Head-Fake: How Who Wrote The Iraw Report Matters Less Than What They Said
Democrats have accused General David Petraeus of following orders from President Bush while giving his report to Congress this week.
Republicans have accused these Democrats of being un-American for making this accusation.
Rudy Giuliani thinks Senator Clinton should condemn Move On for their characterization of General Petraeus as General Betray-us, while he takes the same discount he seemed so outraged that Move On got for running the ad.
If we assume that General Petraeus is taking marching orders from President Bush, then we have to at worst accuse him of doing his job. He does take marching orders from the President. The Constitution demands it.Sure, the numbers in Iraq look better. Of course, a lot of it is because the military has re-classified what it calls war dead. A shot through the front of the head is considered a crime, not an act of war, and is not counted. Only a shot through the back of the head is now considered worthy of being considered an act of war.
And yes, we appear to have stopped counting Sunni on Sunni or Shia on Shia murders as acts of war too.
So what if it appears the violence in Anbar Province relented once we gave power back to the people who controlled the province before the invasion. Sure, they (the Sunni warlords, aka batheists) have what they had before the war (control of their region) and more (tax-payer's money), but we'll call it a victory and no-one will notice (seems to be working).
What's really important is who wrote it. Never mind that it uses fuzzy math that would make Al Gore's head spin. Never mind that we've spent 4 years in Iraq, and are now giving power and money to the people we invaded to remove their power in the first place.While we argue over who held the shovel, our military is up to its eyeballs in it. The reduction in troops that President Bush touted as a sign of victory was necessary anyway, due to the over-extension of our military in the region over a long period of time.
President Bush was talking to about 10 people (liberal Republicans in the senate and house that keep war-supporters veto power in tact), and it looks like they heard it.
The press once again fell for it, and these few hold-overs got the cover they needed to keep the troops in Iraq until President Bush's replacement takes the oath.
Who ever wrote the report that General Petraeus gave to Congress on Thursday should get promoted. They pulled off the biggest head-fake since 2003, and left the Democrats once again impotent to stop the war.
All the while, our brave men and women serving in Iraq are, once again, left on the fence between several factions fighting to gain control of their country. Lest we forget, they won the war in a month in 2003. They've been waiting like brave warriors since then waiting to come home.
Labels: Hillary Clinton, Iraq, petraeus, President Bush, Rudy Giuliani
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Surge Report - What Does It Mean?
With the Petraeus/Bush/DOD report on the surge filling all the news networks, both sides of the Iraq issue have claimed victory.
Supporters point to evidence that the surge is working. They note a significant drop in violence in the Anbar Province that points to the influx of troops has had a positive effect.
Opponents use the same data to point out that the surge was directed at the Baghdad area, and the drop in violence in the Anbar Province is due to a deal we've made with former batheists to take control of the areas they held, and had been fighting to re-gain control of since we invaded in 2003.
Truth is they're both right. The surge has worked, militarily, though not as well as Pro-war pundits want you to believe. Our military is the greatest force the planet has ever seen, and more of them means better results. This is why I thought we needed 1/2 a million troops to begin with.
The surge did focus mainly on Baghdad. The Anbar province has been bought and paid for (by our tax dollars by the way) and like the Batheists did in the 1980s, Sunni strongmen have used our money to quell resistance, and beat down what Al Qaeda-friendly groups were ever there to begin with.
I still think that invading Iraq was the worst decision a President has made since Reagan paid for the release of Iranian-held hostages (what a bad precedent to set), but once the President and Congress made the decision to start the invasion, I held my tongue, supported the troops, and hoped for the best.
Both sides have their positions, and they expect you to conform. No middle ground, middle ground makes people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and other 2nd tier candidates arguments more valid.
May I remind you that we won the war a long time ago. Remember, we successfully overthrew the Batheist government, our stated goal......... Then we stayed. We should have left when we won.
Now it doesn't matter. We could leave tomorrow, or stay for 100 years, the damage has been done. We've alienated the world, weakened any bargaining position we had with most countries we need to deal with (Iran may get a bomb soon, but North Korea already has one that can hit North America).
Win or loose in Iraq, we've got a military that's strained (by almost all accounts), and like it or not, the military stands between us and danger on a daily basis, and not just in Iraq.
So think what you want about the war. Believe President Bush or the Democratic Congress at your own peril. They've both lied to us before, and I hear there's a saying in Texas about getting fooled twice.
Will we be fooled again?
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Can Ron Paul Get Elected?
Buy Ron Paul stuff on Amazon
This is a tough question. The optimist in me wants to say: "The American people are starting to see the light, and Ron Paul can help America start to turn the tide".
The Pessimist part of me keeps saying: "He can't win because he doesn't have a fair shake. He doesn't have the p.r. machine, or the money to buy ads, so he can't get his message out".
I'd love to help get Ron Paul nominated for the Republican ticket. That would be optimal.
But because I fear this to be, at this point at least, unlikely I have decided to institute a three chance strategy to help Dr. Paul get more attention, and eventually nominated on a ticket that can compete, at least enough to get enough attention to continue the cause. I'd like to briefly outline this strategy
Vote for Ron Paul in your Republican primaries
1) I will likely vote for Ron Paul in my state's primary. I will also attempt to convince as many readers and friends to do the same. As I mentioned before, this is the optimal situation, though the least likely.
But the more people who learn about Ron Paul through his affiliation with the Republican Party, the more people who will likely follow him (or recruit him, as may need to be the case) to the next chance.
Draft Ron Paul to accept the Libertarian nomination
2) I believe that the Libertarian Party would welcome another Ron Paul Presidential run. He'd bring a lot of attention to the party, and have the best chance to really compete ever. This would be great for the Libertarian Party, and even though Ron Paul has said he's not interested in doing this, its going to be hard for many of his supporters to give up and support Giuliani or Clinton if he's not the nominee. Many of us see that this is not just a Ron Paul Revolution, but an attempt by the people to re-establish control of the government.
Nominate Ron Paul to the Unity 08 ticket
3) I am a founding delegate of Unity 08. If you are not familiar with what Unity 08 is, visit their website. To summarize, the delegates will nominate a Republican and a Democrat to represent the ticket via an online vote. If the winner accepts the nomination, they will be given the ticket's support for the campaign. I feel that if the people who followed him from either the GOP or the LP joined Unity 08, and voted for him in the online nomination process, we could form a powerful block, and shape the ticket to really have a chance to change the way things are run in Washington DC.
So I know, I'm trying to think 3 steps ahead of a process that really hasn't gone into full-speed mode yet. The fact of the matter is, if you support Ron Paul, and are not willing to take no by the GOP for an answer, its time to start thinking about what's next. Vote for Ron Paul in the Republican primary in your state, and tell people to do the same.
Just don't put all of your eggs into a basket that is as badly made as the GOP.
Labels: Libertarian, Opinion, Ron Paul, Unity08
Friday, July 27, 2007
Ron Paul And The Fair Tax: Can I support both?
So, as you can see, I'm both a fan of Ron Paul, and The Fair Tax.
But does Ron Paul Support the Fair tax?
Actually, it appears that there is not a clear answer to this. He has suggested that he would vote for the Fair Tax if brought to a vote on the house floor, but he does not think its the best possible solution either.
I can understand his position actually. The fair tax would not reduce government income. Those reductions would have to come later.
One of the main problems I have with the Fair Tax, is that it is inclusive. I want people to see how much tax they pay.
For me, the situation is simple. I do not support all of Ron Paul's positions, but that doesn't mean I can't support him. He may indeed be the President that would sign the Fair Tax law, something no candidate (except Mike Gravel) is offering to make a priority, and I'm sure he'd be more likely to force Congress to cut spending than any other major candidate in the race.
Ron Paul is the best chance we have to start to take our government back. If that means the Fair Tax has to wait another 5 years, I'll make that trade and not think twice.
Of course, both would be nice
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Republicans for Hilary: Wasting your vote for the good of our country
What if Republican voters in states that allow open primaries went to the polls to vote for John Edwards?
Or Barak Obama?
What if they went in droves to vote for her to head the Democratic ticket?
As I've stated many times, she's the only way the Republicans can win in 2008, and Republicans have known this for some time.
They've done this before, perhaps on a smaller scale. A few years ago, the Republican party made a deal with Denise Magette to allow her to run unopposed in the general election after many Republicans crossed the aisle to vote against Cynthia McKinney.
I've made it known that this plan will backfire.
It may however create an opening for someone like Ron Paul. Ron Paul is one of the few Republican candidates who is a great deal more conservative than Senator Clinton.
So, as a supporter of independent candidates, Ron Paul, and Unity 08, I say to all good Republicans who don't like to think about the issues, and easily fall for the deamonization of the "other side", go out and do your part. Vote for Hillary Clinton in your local primary.
If you are going to be stupid enough to fall for this "Hitlery" bull-poop (she's more conservative than Rudy Giuliani for heavan's sake), you deserve to waste your vote, which in turn will give those of us who are really trying to change our government that much more power.
Labels: Hillary Clinton, Opinion, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, Unity08
Monday, July 23, 2007
Pork Barrel Spending: Why is it so bad?
According to the Chinese calendar, 2007 is the Year of the Pig. We hear about "Pork Barrel Spending" or "earmarks" all the time when we hear about congressional spending. Supposedly this is when a representative sets aside an amount of money to send to a special project in his or her district.
It helps them get elected.
But besides the politicians, who really benefit from these "earmarks"?
A lot of time, its the people who contribute the most to the Representative's campaign
I'm going to use Lockheed Martin, as an example. Their F-22 Raptor has funding through 2009, even though the Raptor is obsolete, and the Government Accounting office has asked the Defense Committee to stop funding for the project. They build 20 a year, at a cost of $120 Million per ($2,400,000,000 total).
In return, Lockheed Martin gave Georgia Senators Saxby Chambliss $21,000 and Johnny Isakson $23,500 (there is a large complex of Lockheed Martin in Marietta Georgia), and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) $10,500 (who is on the Defense Appropriations sub-committee) between 1999 and 2004.
That's a pretty good return on your investment. Especially when you are selling a plane who's updated replacement (F-35) costs $35 million each (also made by Lockheed Martin).
That $183,200 they gave to our government officials during only this six year period, costs every taxpayer about $18.35 every year.
This is a disgrace, and it is the major reason that our government no longer thinks it answers to us.
This isn't a Republican Problem (though the Republicans always seem to get the most money) or a Democrat problem (though since they took over Congress earlier this year "earmarks" are at its at its lowest level since 1999).
This is a government problem, and its time we start to let our Representatives (local, state and federal) that we're on to them, and we're going to make a change soon.Friday, July 20, 2007
Liberty: The Shining City on A Hill
Once upon a time, in America, we had liberty. Liberty has been good to us.
The United States didn't become a super power because of its great military, great leadership, or even because of capitalism.
Liberty did that for us.
People came to our country for liberty, not money. Liberty made us that shining city on a hill. Not religion. Not overwhelming military force, or the economy.
Immigrants have always known that our country was the best place to live, because if you had a work ethic, and a good idea, you could become rich, or at least make a life for yourself. The government left you alone, and let you live your life as you chose to live it.
Now unfortunately, we're moving away from liberty, and its not just the Democratic party that is trying to take liberty away.
If you want to make something illegal because its morally wrong, you are part of the problem.
If you support wiretapping without a warrant (I support getting a warrant afterwards at least), you are part of the problem
If you support governments over-reaching its authority on eminent domain issues, you are part of the problem.
You see, the Democrat and Republican parties are not the problem. They are a symptom (like a cough tells you that you are sick). After all, we seem to be letting both parties get away with taking our liberties, and we do nothing to stop them. We keep sending them back, and acting like we have to vote for them in blocks, or the other side will "ruin America".
This is why I support a totally write-in election where spelling counts, and you have to know about what you are talking about for your vote to count (maybe you'd have to tell us who Sec of State is or something to that effect).
While the Democrats and the Republicans act like their fighting to keep the chaos factor in check, secretly their both taking our liberty away, little by little.
This is a bi-partisan problem, and it requires a tri-partisan solution.
Labels: Libertarian, liberty, Opinion
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Cindy Sheehan: Iraq, And The Conservative Bias
My compadre, on The Hawg Pen, Reg-E recently blogged about Cindy Sheehan, and her run for Speaker Nancy Pelosi's seat in Congress.
He explained that her only issue is the war, and that that isn't reason enough to vote for her.
Cindy Sheehan is one of the founders of Gold Star Families for Peace (along with her husband), and like Reg-E, I think she has every right to protest the war.
I do disagree, however, with Reg's assertion that she has nothing to offer.
She will stand up to end the war. She is running against the speaker of the house, who came to this position because of the American people's disdain with the civilian leadership on the war.
Reg-E is quick to point out that the congress has lower approval ratings than President Bush. This is because of the war. Let's not forget what area Speaker Pelosi represents. I'm sure they aren't happy with her handling of the war issue, since she's come into power.
What has congress really offered as far as meaningful legislation regarding immigration, social security, or education? Not a damn thing.
But the Republican Party would rather us talk about how she's a nut. She's been right about the war from day one, as far as it being a mistake.
Cindy Sheehan may be a nut. I've never met her. But I applaud her determination to get her message out.
I have been disappointed with the Pelosi administration and I hope Cindy Sheehan wins. I'm for sending a message to the "Peace Party" that its time for some freaking peace.
That way, the Republicans could make her higher on the list of people to talk about to distract us from what's going on (never mind that most of America agrees with her on the war issue). She won't be up there with Hilary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Al Gore or Michael Moore. But she'll get just enough attention from fox news so that they don't have to report the news.
The Republican Party picked Cindy Sheehan to be the poster child for the anti-war movement. Now its once again time to deal with the consequences.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Hawg Pen will be visiting with T Lee Horne (L - LA) who is campaigning for Governor of Louisiana, on our next show, which is this Saturday @ 10:00a.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
T Lee Horne is probably most famous for his organization of national Libertarian support for private relief after Katrina in 2005, and has been actively campaigning for the seat since 2003.
Sounds like he's taking it pretty seriously to me.
Of course we'll discuss Katrina, and how he'd handle the situation, and what he's preparing to do if he's elected Governor. I look forward to what he has say.
I'm sure that neither the Democrats or Republicans want to hear the 3rd side of this story, considering how well it worked.
So listen Saturday morning. You just may learn something
Labels: candidate interview, Opinion
Monday, July 16, 2007
North American Union: Can the Ron Paul Movement Save us?
On June 15th, 2007, the first meeting of the North American Competitiveness Council was held. In a world of Paris Hilton, Barry Bonds, and other "real news makers" this went almost un-noticed.
The NACC was established by the 3 governments of North America (U.S. Canada and Mexico), in the words of the website, to "to increase security and enhance prosperity among Canada, Mexico and the United States through greater cooperation and information sharing."
The Website denies being a fore-runner to a North American Union. It claims to not be a replacement for NAFTA.
But it is. The NACC, is a test, a laying of the foundation, if you will (another layer of the foundation anyway) for future unification.
After all, look how its worked over in Europe right.The Euro is rising and the Dollar is falling.
To its supporters, a North American Union would further globalization, "enhance" trade between the 3 countries, and help us compete with the EU.
I don't care how much the Euro is worth right now, Europe is a lost cause. The birth-rate among natives are unsustainable, while the birth-rate among immigrants runs rampant. The Euro boom of the aughts will be compared with the dot-com boom of the nineties. Its fake.This is why the Ron Paul movement is the last best chance to keep our country a sovereign nation. That's why its time you started to listen. Its not just about Ron Paul. Its about changing the way our government works.We all need to educate ourselves about the real issues.
Not abortion, gay marriage, or even immigration compare to the importance of this issue. What good is a secure border, if the border is in Guatemala?
So the next time someone asks you about the flag burning issue, mention the North American Union. Tell them what it is and what it means (Mexico will control about 33% of your economy, government and sovereignty).
Then ask them what flag their grandchildren will fight to keep from being burned.
Labels: NAU, North American Union
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sneak and Run: Presiden't Bush Answers His Democratic Strategists, er.... uh Critics..
If a van load of people showed up at your house with guns, turned off your electricity, cutoff your garbage service, and then drove around the house to make sure none of your neighbors tried to fight them, would you greet them as liberators?
What if the head guy had a Jesus complex, and constantly made tactical mistakes?
But it's all good. Don't worry, they're telling you their going to leave when you are able to run your own house. After all, they got rid of that Uncle that kept the rest of the family from fighting because they thought he still had some guns they'd given him 20 years ago.
President Bush, in his press conference today spoke of the need to set benchmarks (most of which we've already met!!!), so we could tell the Iraqi government that it was time for them to step up and take control of its future.
I'd bet we've setup a timetable, that only our two governments know about.
This is the same strategy that the Democrats have been urging for years. The tactics, however are slightly different.
We're not interested in letting the Iraqi rebels (shouldn't that be what they're called, aren't they fighting the duly elected government over there?) know when we're leaving, but we're pretty much telling them we're leaving.
I guess the Bush administration doesn't think the Iraqi rebels will notice us pulling back. If we'd put enough troops in their to get the job done in the first place, there'd be no doubt we were withdrawing. Of course, we wouldn't have been there for going on 5 years if we'd gone in to win in the first place.
As Ive said before, that's why I'm against pre-emptive war. We shouldn't use force unless there is no other alternative. You do know that Saudi Arabia (another country that benefits from the chaos in Iraq) had more to do with 9/11 than Iraq did, right?................right?
President Bush: If you want to enact Democratic plans (like No Child Left Behind, the Homeland Security Department, tax breaks for hybrid cars even if he did laugh at that one to begin with, and the Sneak and Run), would you please do it a little quicker. While you are waiting the 2 months between Democratic suggestion, and your enacting of the plan (after re-wording the Democratic plan to make sure it will never work), our kids are dying over there.
President Bush: Support the Troops.............Enact your cheat of Democratic strategy within 2 weeks of their suggestion. I'll even talk to them about going ahead and really screwing it up (shouldn't be a problem) before it gets to you, so you won't have to stay up past 9p.m. to read it.
Labels: cut and run, Opinion, Politics
Monday, July 2, 2007
Immigration: Mission Accomplished?
Talk Radio, the conservative movement, and Americans everywhere are declaring victory over last week's defeat of the "Amnesty" bill in Washington.
I think that we should rent an aircraft carrier, put up a sign declaring victory, and get someone cool to ride a plane onto the ship, and talk about how the mission has been accomplished.
Why? Because the victory we're declaring is only the opening salvo in the battle for our nation. Like President Bush, dressed up (he dresses up like a cowboy and a airpane pilot more than anyone I've ever met that wasn't over 10), ready for his flight, with the gleam of arrogance in his eye, the American people have fallen for the great head fake.
All we did was not allow our Federal Government to make the problem worse.... We still have the problem!!
President Bush has failed his Constitutional (You remember that document, right?) responsibilities by not making it a priority to solve this problem in a rational way.
Many former supporters have seen the arrogance ("I'll see you at the bill signing") that I have seen since January of 2001. The arrogance that has turned the world against our nation. The arrogance that has allowed millions of people to cross our borders to work at factories and take Americans jobs. Those factory owners did not vote for Al Gore, or John Kerry, I can guarantee that.
To say the Democrats benefit exclusively from this problem is as arrogant as this administration.
So don't declare victory. The mission is not accomplished. Not by a long-shot.
We still have work to do.
Labels: immigration, Opinion
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Hello...... LP!!........ is anybody home?
Does the Libertarian Party want to win?
I've always referred to my self as "little l" libertarian because I never joined the party. I voted for Libertarian candidates when I thought they had the best platform.
I think the philosophy of The Libertarian Party is grand, but I'm not sure I like their campaign strategy. Or lack thereof, as it would seem.
I've offered to do interviews with candidates who know I may have a slight tendency to support Libertarian Candidates.........Read LP does not want to win elections
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
Beat...... Beat....... Beat..... You can hear them in the distance. The war drums, preparing us for yet another Bush Administration war. Iran, another member of the axis of feeble hears them too.During the last two republican debates, many of the candidates have discussed Iran, and possibly using tactical Nukes to destroy any nuclear facility in the Persian Empire. Nine out of Ten (the tenth being Ron Paul
Jackson County GA: Real Estate Boom
I grew up in Jackson County Georgia, about 60 miles northeast of Atlanta on the I-85 corridor. I grew up on Jackson Trail road, back before the developers moved in. And they have moved in. Jackson County is the 43rd fastest growing county in the nation, and has been moving down the list at a very fast pace since 2000. I don't live in Jackson County now, but I still consider it home......Read Real Estate Boom
If you've been to Europe lately, you may have noticed how weak the U.S. dollar is right now.
The Euro is strong, and there have even been whispers here in America about a new North American Union, a E.U. style body, complete with a common money. (The Amero?)....Read The Fair Tax and the Euro
After much consideration, I have developed the opinion that Ron Paul should no longer be allowed to participate in any further Republican Debates He does not belong on stage with the rest of the No GOP debates for Ron Paul
The following are the answers to 10 questions I emailed Raymond McKinney, who is seeking the Republican Nomination for Vice President of The United States......Read Ray McKinney For VP
Get Historic Political Buttons on Ebay and support The G Blog
The Liberals Guide to libertarianism
Have I been ignoring my liberal friends lately?
Maybe.... I think I've been trying to show many liberals that there is a different kind of conservative out there. A Goldwater conservative who'll discuss the issues, not just spout buzzwords and make personal accusations and ignore your points......Read The Liberals Guide to Libertarianism
Posted by The-G-Blog at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Hello...... LP!!........ is anybody home?
Does the Libertarian Party want to win?
I've always referred to my self as "little l" libertarian because I never joined the party. I voted for Libertarian candidates when I thought they had the best platform.
I think the philosophy of The Libertarian Party is grand, but I'm not sure I like their campaign strategy. Or lack thereof, as it would seem.
I've offered to do interviews with candidates who know I may have a slight tendency to support Libertarian Candidates.
I've only offered to interview Libertarians (except for 1 time). They've all either not gotten back to me, said they would accept but didn't answer the questions I spent time writing. George Phillies, whom I continue to support (not just because of the interview, I like his politics) is the exception, and I appreciate the fact that he answered the questions.
Is it too much to ask that a candidate who is running to answer 10 questions?
One Libertarian Candidate held my questions for 2 months, and then the day before the election sent them back. Of course then the campaign posted the questions and answers on their myspace blog and official blog, but didn't link me. I never posted the interview. He finished 8th, in a 10 person race.
Now I wish they hadn't gotten back to me at all.
Hey Libertarian Party..... yeah, I'm talking to you! Its me "Lil l - libertarian". I'm the guy that sent you money 2 weeks ago, but have yet to get my card or a thank you or anything. Do you have to ship the LP Membership cards from Taiwan? I'm no big-barrel blogger (I usually have around 400 people read my blogs between thegblog and myspace), but I'd like to think someone who doesn't have the ability to fire back criticism that I do would be treated better. As far as you knew when I joined, thats who I was.
I'm the guy who has sent email after email, without response for 3 months now.
I'm also the guy who joined as a founding delegate to Unity 08. I actually spoke skeptically about this organization to begin with, but it appears they have stepped up to the plate.
I've had comments on my "official" blog from Unity08 representatives. Not just comments, but questions and responses, and requests for feedback. I've been called by the organization 1 time, and get a weekly email or two. I like politics, so its not overwhelming to me.
So ship up LP, your platform is heavily based on the benefits of competition. We're about to see how you handle the thing that I agree makes America Great.
Are you ready for a change LP? I, and many of my friends are. We're trying to pick you up by the boot-strap, but you've to got to do some of this by yourself.
Labels: Libertarian, Unity08
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
Beat...... Beat....... Beat..... You can hear them in the distance. The war drums, preparing us for yet another Bush Administration war. Iran, another member of the axis of feeble hears them too.
During the last two republican debates, many of the candidates have discussed Iran, and possibly using tactical Nukes to destroy any nuclear facility in the Persian Empire. Nine out of Ten (the tenth being Ron Paul) candidates refused to take the option off the table during the most recent debate.
That, to me is a good-enough reason to refuse to vote for any Republican (like I would anyway, I know) candidate, and to be honest, this is the scariest thing I've heard in a long time.
I could discuss the environmental effect (people that don't believe in Global climate change should stop reading, I'm going to make sense for a minute) would be disastrous to the region.
The political effects would be much worse for the Middle-East, and The U.S.
If we killed 10,000 people with these tactical nukes (considering the after effects seen at Chernobyl, I believe this estimate to be low), we'd create 100,000 terrorists
This would be seen as a declaration of war by Iran, as it should. They would immediately invade Iraq. This would cause Saudi-Arabia (You remember them, the country that actually had more to do with September 11th than Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.....follow the money.....) to come to the defense of their Sunni brothers in Iraq.
And they're all going to attack Israel.
I believe this is likely to happen when we pull our troops out of Iraq before the next election anyway. But at least our troops won't be there to get stuck in the middle of a regional war.
It is time for people to W A K E U P ! ! ! Seriously. The Sheet of Glass theory is ridiculous, and it will only cause more harm to our nation. I'm trying to be clear on this point. If you support pre-emptive nuclear attacks, you have no business being State Senator, much less President of The United States. Nuclear weapons should only be used if they are used on us. No exceptions. A pre-emptive nuclear attack on Iran is direct support for Al Queda (A Sunni organization) and it would give comfort and aide to the 50 or so al queda members left fighting us in Iraq.
The Bush Administration has created more Islamic extremists than it has eliminated. The Republican Candidates (except Ron Paul) want to create more.
They are playing on your fears. Fears they created. Its one big circle of fear. Fear of Iran, Fear of Iraq, and Al Queda. Fear of a Democratic Administration. Fear of everything except the American People.
Our government should fear us above all else. It hasn't feared us for quite some time.
Labels: Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Opinion
Sunday, June 10, 2007
updated June 10th
Powell would close Gitmo 'not tomorrow, but this afternoon'........The Raw Story
Fatal Forcast.............Times Record News
The GOP debates Health
Karzai unharmed in Taliban rocket attack.........Reuters
Video of The Day: see more at
Labels: Real News
Jackson County GA: Real Estate Boom, and The Old County
So I've been blogging for about 2 and 1/2 months now, and I can say it has become a rather fun hobby for me. Mrs. G Blog works weird hours right now, so a lot of the time its just me and the pets. Hopefully, things should settle-down some soon, and we can resume our "normal" lives.
Every blog I've posted to date has been about politics. That's what this site is all about. This one is a little different.
I grew up in Jackson County Georgia, about 60 miles northeast of Atlanta on the I-85 corridor. I grew up on Jackson Trail road, back before the developers moved in. And they have moved in. Jackson County is the 43rd fastest growing county in the nation, and has been moving down the list at a very fast pace since 2000. I don't live in Jackson County now, but I still consider it home.
As a Libertarian, I understand that this is a product of a competitive marketplace, and that it financially benefits the people of Jackson County.
As a product of the rural south, I cringe at the thought of suburbia creeping toward my homeland, devouring acre upon acre of farm land, and spitting out cookie-cutter homes, Bradford pear trees, and asphalt and concrete. My closest neighbor lived 1/4 mile away when I was growing up. The house now has 3 houses to its west, and a 50+ house subdivision adjoining to its south property line. We used to have to drive to hear our neighbors, and now you can see them from the kitchen window.
Land Values are up in Jackson County, and so are the spirits of the locals. Like other rural areas, the real-estate boom has been good to people that live in this area. Like I said, its the free market at its best.
But Jackson County isn't the same place where I grew up. With all the new Red-lights, subdivisions, 4-lane roads, fast-food restaurants, businesses, cars, schools and people that are there, I hardly recognize the place. I'm not saying its not better, its just different.
Maybe that's what they mean when they say "you can never go home".
Labels: Jackson County, Opinion
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The Fair Tax: Can it help the U.S. compete with the Euro?
If you've been to Europe lately, you may have noticed how weak the U.S. dollar is right now.
The Euro is strong, and there have even been whispers here in America about a new North American Union, a E.U. style body, complete with a common money. (The Amero?)
This blog isn't about NWO (The New World Order) and its attempt to globalize government and the economy, though I do feel my readers should acquaint themselves with this topic. Agree or disagree with the NWO movement, you need to know about it. (I strongly disagree, for the record).
This is a blog about The Fair Tax, and how it can help resurrect the dollar's power in Europe and the world.
The Fair Tax would give the U.S. the title of "wolds best tax haven". Many of the businesses who moved overseas would move back, new businesses would be created, and businesses that had never thought about moving to the U.S. would jump on the first plane here.
Implementation would spur the economy, and it would be real growth, unlike much of the bubble which was over-inflated, just as our taxes are today.
The Fair Tax would resurrect the dollar, and put the U.S. back on the growth map, and set an example for states and countries all over the world.
The Fair Tax is NOT A Tax cut. It can be, because its a tax you choose to pay. It could also mean a tax rate for people who aren't frugal, but again, they choose to pay the tax, that's why its called The Fair Tax. Its a different way of collecting taxes. The only problem I have with the Fair Tax, is the fact that it is not embedded. I'd like for us to know how much we pay the federal government every time we see the receipt. I bet taxes would go down then, but that's my humble opinion.
So, say no to the NWO movement, to the plunging dollar, and a sputtering economy.
Say yes to the Fair Tax. Its the choice that lets you choose how much you contribute to your government.
Ron Paul: No More GOP Debates Please!!
After much consideration, I have developed the opinion that Ron Paul should no longer be allowed to participate in any further Republican Debates He does not belong on stage with the rest of the field.
That's right, I said it, and I stand behind the statement.
I mean, should the Republicans allow Mike Gravel to debate with the serious GOP candidates? I think not. He's a Democrat, for heaven's sake
Well, Ron Paul is a Libertarian. He even ran for President as the LP candidate in 1998.
I've said several times that if Dr. Paul does not win the GOP nomination, he'd run as the Libertarian nominee. Until recently, I fully felt that my prediction would come to fruition.
But what about Unity08?
I've blogged about this "non" party before. Sometimes I wonder how serious the Libertarian Party is about getting major candidates elected. Or at least noticed.
Either way, I believe its time that Dr. Paul admit he's not a Republican. Or at least what other people think about when they think about Republicans.
I understand what Representative Ron Paul is doing. He's trying to fight the party from within. Its not working Dr. Paul. On my radio show, even the Republican co-host didn't really know much about Ron Paul's ideas. And he's generally well-informed.
Dr. Paul is not going to be able to continue to get his message out to possible Republican Voters. He's tapped that market. Its time to move on to the next.
Organize libertarians Dr. Paul. We are going to support you!! Many of us who are cautious about supporting a Republican candidate want to spread your message. Liberty Liberty Liberty. Its all about the liberty.
We get you Rep. Paul... Now help us get you support.
Labels: Libertarian, Opinion, Ron Paul, Unity08
Real News
updated June 6th
Cyclone Gonu Hammers Oman Veering toward Iran........Times Record News
Iraqi Lawmakers Pass Resolution That Could End Occupation.......... Alter Net
Report Raps Rice on State Dept. Staff Morale...............................News Max
Former U.S. Commander In Iraq: War is Lost..............................Think Progress
Oil rises on report of Turkish troops in Iraq..................................Reuters
Video of the Day
Labels: Real News
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
The Environment: Hawgpen BOTW
Its hard to look at this photo and say "climate change doesn't exist". To say its not happening is not really a defensible position.
Now I think that two reasonable people can debate whether its caused by human activity or not. Credible evidence can be given to support both sides of this argument. I personally believe that human activity is speeding up a climate change that was going to happen eventually.
Of course, I was a D student in science class, so I'm not claiming to be a knowledgeable source.
I would rather my great-grandchildren laugh at my generation because we tried to stop something we couldn't stop and didn't cause, than my great-grandchildren hate my generation because we did nothing, and we could have.
I believe that green technology and green business and products are a great example of capitalism at its best, and I think that we have an opportunity to take the lead in this market. Our private industries should invest in green technology, so that they can be more efficient. It makes good business sense.
I believe the military could lead the charge toward energy independence. The military invented the Internet. And the A-Bomb. If you give them a goal, they will work to achieve it.
Are we doomed? I sure hope not. But I don't think we should sit around and do nothing.
Labels: global warming, Opinion, The Hawg Pen
Ray McKinney for Vice President: The G Blog Interview
To be quite honest, I want this job. I started off as frustrated with the way politicians were handling things. I did my research and I believe this is the best job I am qualified to do starting on day 1. I have a high regard for all of the offices of government, just not a high regard for many of the people in these offices. I am not egotistical enough to believe I am ready or worthy to lead this country. I believe I need experience in Washington to have the credibility. Can I make hard decisions? Yes. President of the United States should not be on-the-job training. I do believe that the position of Vice-President is perfect training for the Presidential post.
2: As Vice-President, your Constitutional power would be limited. What do you think you could accomplish?
Precisely one of the reasons for taking the position. The power is very limited, I would basically be an assistant to the President. However, there are many things I can accomplish. The first would be putting fear of the voter in every politicians mind. In my opinion that is a good thing. The next is, while I would not have much in the way of final say, I would be a DIRECT link between the American People and the office of the President. Every day I would be there to remind the President and all of the others on Capital Hill that they work for the people and the people are watching.
3: Describe your "Say Yes To Nukes" energy stance:
I am referring to nuclear power. A field that I have been intimate with for over 20 years. I have had unescorted access to over 40 reactors in the United States. This is the cleanest form of VIALBLE energy on this planet. The only source with greater potential is Fusion Power which is still in the research stage. Our fossil fleet is aging and we are currently at capacity on our power grid. Future growth of this nation depends on cheap, available power. Fossil plants create 81% of the CO2 in the US. I want to build more of these plants. I want private companies which are begging to build more of these plants do so. The enormity of this project would create hundreds of thousands of high paying jobs. The take rural areas and bring billions of dollars, private dollars. The resulting surge in factory orders will revitalize our steel and machining industry. It will REDUCE our dependency of foreign sources of energy and it will give us a product that the rest of the world is already demanding that we can EXPORT. We could streamline the industry, the design, the process and we can market that product, the pumps, valves, electronics, software, engineering and even construction around the world.
4: What is your position on Immigration reform?
After 6 months of taking office I would immediately enforce existing laws. Cut off the supply of money from employers. Treat a crime like it is a crime. Seize assets of illegal immigrants, the car you find them in, the apartment they are living in. Use the fines to cover deportation. Give them a choice, leave on your own and get in line or face deportation and a life time ban. Cut off the money and the support. There will be no incentive to stay.
5: Tell us why you support The Fair Tax:
First off it is the most researched tax plan out there. Simply put, it removes all taxes from low income workers. All taxes will be paid from anyone buying a new finished product. The drug dealer will pay taxes, the illegal immigrant will pay taxes, the tourist from France will pay taxes. There will be no loopholes for the rich to hide taxes. It will eliminate the cost (Billions) just to prepare taxes. A Snickers bar has over 21 points at which the Federal Government collects taxes. Remove the incentive for politicians to put in loopholes for constituents. The ramifications are tremendous. It would force interest rates to plummet. No interest deduction? Well, rich people would have no need to finance, they would just pay cash. Businesses have no need to “lease” to protect assets. The demand for borrowed money would drop, lenders would look for new markets to loan. With no taxes on interest earnings, lenders could make the same profit margin by lending at a lower rate. Who would borrow? The people that needed to borrow, people like me and you or the low income people. With no taxes and a smaller demand, interest rates would drop and it would be easier to borrow money. It is a win/ win for every American taxpayer.
6: If you were forced to vote for one Democrat currently running for President, who would it be?
Your really scaring me with this one. Every one I have looked at has a policy of increased spending to “solve” problems and I do not believe that is the answer. I think almost anyone of them would wreck our economy. If you locked me in a booth, I would have to write in my own name.
7: If you were elected Vice-President, and for some reason you had to assume a Presidential role, what would you do to reform the U.N.?
Seriously, I would suggest that we treat the UN much like we do the Olympics in that the headquarters be moved from one city to the next every 6 years. I suggest Havanna for the first move. I know it sounds ludicrous but my point is the UN has turned into a joke. I think the idea is noble but in reality it has been degraded from within. I would like to turn the UN building into a Friends of the United States building and invite all FUS members to set up a delegation. I would still remain a member of the UN but in a lesser role. They continually use us as a whipping boy and frankly I am sick of it. We have no business playing monitor to a bunch of kindergarten children. The FUS would do real things and solve real problems. The UN is not interested in solving problems, the goal of the UN is to bring down the US to their level.
8: How do you think we can solve the looming Social Security crisis?
While the age levels may change with further discussion this is basically what I want to do with SS. First off, I want to say that if you or I had come up with the original plan and managed it this way (as a private plan) we would be in Federal Prison for fraud and many other charges.
50+ You are in, you get your stated benefits under the current plan.
45-50 You can choose to stay in the plan or opt for the new plan.
16-45 You are in the new plan and you choose from the following options. YOU CHOOSE!
New Plan
Based upon your contributions to date you will be credited with a refund to put in the following accounts. All future contributions will go to your choice.
a: Treasury Bond account. You will be paid the current treasury rate. All future government borrowing will be from the US SS accounts before selling to foreign sources. Our money stays here.
b: Money Market account. You will be paid the current market rate that the government uses to borrow money. Before borrowing from any institution, the Government will borrow and pay interest on our money.
c: Mutual Fund account. You choose who and how much to invest in mutual funds. You take the risk you get the benefit. The money you choose to invest in mutual funds is NOT guaranteed by the Federal Government.
You choose any combination of the 3. If you don’t know what you are doing, then just put all of your money in a or b. The money is yours. You can collect it Tax Free at age 62 in a lump sum or monthly payments. If you die, the money goes to whoever you indicate. The money never goes back to the Federal Government.
9: If you were put in charge of the RNC, what would you change?
The perception of the RNC is that the middle class in invisible. The stories I can tell you. The RNC ignores so many of our population. They do not think outside the box. They are still driving the Titanic and arguing over how bad the dinner was while taking on water. The are not proactive, they are reactive. People have lost faith in the leadership. I would seek to reach out to people that we have given up on and people that have given up on us.
10: Do you think voting for Ray McKinney for Vice-President would send a message to the Republican Party without jeopardizing a possible Republican Presidency?
I look at it this way. Whoever gets the nomination will get the vote of the base even if they had Mickey Mouse on the ticket. Look at people like Quayle. Who knew who the heck he was. The base is going to vote for their nominee. We have a chance to use the VP slot to draw people that the other candidates won’t even talk to. My policies, which I will push for, are good for the lower class and are especially good for the union workers in this country. We can solve major problems not by government spending but by setting loose the American worker and getting government and regulations out of their way. I believe I can reach out to the Independents and even Democrats that no other candidate can.
It would be quite simple, actually to determine this. Give me a shot. Let me be heard. Show people that the GOP is a place for average Americans. If I do not get the poll numbers, then I was wrong and you can put whoever you want in the VP slot, BUT, if the numbers show that I am attracting out of the base voters then why would you not want to put me on the ticket?
Look at it from the average guy/gal position. What choices are the RNC giving us now? They are all basically carbon copies of professional politicians, people who have been lying to us for years. Why do you think Barak is so dang popular? It is not because of his experience, in fact he is currently running on his LACK of experience as a good thing. People are attracted to Barak because he is NEW.
I don’t think he can win the nomination but I do believe he will be the VP nominee. Why? Because if he is not, the DNC will lose a lot of votes from his supporters. The DNC is building a tag team this cycle. Currently it is Hillary/Obama. But whatever it turns out to be, the are reaching our all over the place. The RNC is not doing that. All of the candidates are fighting over the base vote. I am reaching out for the other votes. Any current team you put together for the RNC only attracts the base.
Raymond McKinney
Labels: candidate interview