Saturday, April 28, 2007

Gore And Gingrich: A Match Made In Heaven: blogs from a Political Standpoint

If I could get one wish, I’d make it a Gingrich-Gore Presidential race in 2008. Say what you want about their policies, and idiosyncracies, but both of these non-candidates could really change the course of our country.

Vice President Gore has experience in the Senate, and in the Executive branch that no other candidate has (even Hillary Clinton). He knows foreign relations, he understands complex issues, and for heaven’s sakes, he invented the internet! I think he would have read into the memo that stated Bin Laden was determined to attack the US with planes. Sure, he might go a little overboard with the environmental cause, but it beats war, and I doubt he’d get many of his pet environmental projects through a divided Senate.

Newt Gingrich is the father of the line-item veto, and the “Contract with America”. Agree, or disagree with his ideas, this is an intellectual man (he’s a former history professor) with a lot of ideas about changing our country. He’s not your run-of-the-mill Republican, and he could really convert the middle. Sure, he’s had personal issues, but haven’t we all? I’ve always thought of him as an intellectually honest man, even when I didn’t agree with his position. Like Gore, I believe that he would have read into the memo that stated Bin Laden was determined to attack the US with planes.
I hate to say it, but I’m not sure we’ve got the best of the best candidates running for President on either side of the Aisle right now. I like Huckabee, Edwards, Obama , and sometimes McCain. But in my opinion, only two people have the experience and the ideas that could lead us into a new decade for America. Both have not decided to run yet.

Is that smart? I think it is. Its just another reason that they are on another level, at least where politics are concerned. These guys are going to wait for the Also-rans in their party to eliminate each other. Then they’re going to try to take the winner.

I think they’re winning already