Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Leftist Media Declares Victory In Iraq

I was watching CNN the other day, and get ready for this........
Two correspondents, Heidi Collins and some other guy were discussing the fact that we seem to have, in part of the country anyway, found a way to win the war in Iraq.
It appears we have made agreements with several former Bathe Party leaders to give them local power in exchange for the elimination of Al Qaeda in those areas. And it seems to be working.
So now instead of U.S. troops fighting Batheists and Al Qaeda, we're letting Batheists fight Al Qaeda. Basically Saddam's army is fighting Bin Laden's army. But I thought they were friends?
Say what you want about Saddam Hussein, but he was not an Islamic Fascist. I mean, he was a Fascist, and he was Islamic, but he ran a non-sectarian government. Tariq Aziz, one of Saddam's right hand men was a Christian. He had Sunni's and Shia in his upper "management". In case you didn't want to be tortured by a Sunni, he could have a diverse group of men hang you by your toenails.
Maybe we should not tell President Bush about this. We seem to do better when he's doing the YMCA to African music. The administrations excuse always appears to be "we didn't know it was happening". Sometimes I believe them.
Of course, this is only one part of Iraq. The Shiite majority have no ties to Al Qaeda and "the list" never really got into this part of the country (Bin Laden is a member of the Whabi (sp) sect of the Suni Muslims, and we all know sunni and shia don't play nice right now). Our biggest problem now seems to be with this group. Also, where Shia and Sunni (who once lived in relative peace under Saddam) live in the same neighborhoods, there are still many issues. Neither seem to be getting better.
Maybe when Saddam's army beats Al Qaeda, we can sic them on the rest of the country. It worked for Saddam, why wouldn't it work for us?
So now it appears the best case scenario is for the Bathe Party to control the country, the elimination of Al Qaeda in Iraq, and a Stable centralized government, ran by the largest minority in the country.
That's the exact scene as the day before we invaded Iraq. But at least Haliburton and Exxon made a killing, right?