Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A Compassionate Deficit

I would like to personally thank your children for funding my government.


Ronald Reagan did it. George HW Bush did it. Bill Clinton.. (oh yeah that's right he had a surplus at the end of his 2nd term). George W. Bush is doing it. Why is the only time we've had a balanced budget in the last 26 years was when a Democrat was President? (Don't bother with "Bill Clinton had a Republican congress" bull-poop. So did President W. Bush, and they all had veto power)

Maybe the Republicans don't care about your children (well, after they're born, anyway.)
I had a good deal of credit card debt when I was in college. The government won't let me make my children pay for that. Why? I mean because I went to college, I'll make more money, so my kids will have a better education, and in turn make even more money. Why not make them pay for that privilege? That seems to be the American way of late.

We have soldiers overseas fighting for our freedom, and we're told if we don't support them, we're un-American. I'm afraid they're funding themselves, they just have to do it with interest. To me, that's not supporting the troops, in the most literal sense. And its not like even when Congress funds them, they get the equipment they need, and deserve. We have the ability to protect our troops from roadside bombs, we just can't get them on their vehicles.

Whitney Houston believes the children are our future. President Bush believes the children are our financiers. I have to agree with Ms. Houston on this one