Sunday, May 13, 2007

Libertarian Choices For President: George Phillies

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Libertarian Choice for President:

The-G-Blog has been listening. I know that many of you seek an alternative to the Democratic and Republican Parties. The most independent blog on the net wants to provide you with as many choices, and perspectives as it can.

Recently, The-G-Blog conducted an e-interview with Dr. George Phillies, who is seeking the Libertarian nomination for President of the United States.

Let me and Dr. Phillies know what you think

> 1: Why are you running for President?

I am running to make America a better place to live. I will do this by strengthening the Libertarian party and putting our issues before the general public.

> 2: Why do you think tax credits for education will benefit all of our children, and the poorer areas in general

The key issue is that I advocate attaching the tax credit to the child, not the parents, so that anyone can invest in the education of some child, even if not their own. Thus Americans revolted by the DC School system can rescue DC Schoolchildren from the school District for which Congress is Constitutionally responsible. For full details, see my statements on my official website.

> 3. Describe your stance on the “War On Drugs”:

The War on Drugs is grossly racist in operation, with one standard for whites and another, far harsher, for blacks and Hispanics. It is also a total failure. Ask any teenager: In your school, is it easier to get
beer or pot? We should not continue to do bad things to the American people.

> 4: As President, would you have invaded Iraq? Evaluate the war, and give us your strategy to win the war in Iraq once you are Commander-In-Chief:

The War on Iraq was built on lies from stem to stern. Note that the Bush people cannot even address our Iraqi opponents by name. They are 'the enemy' because we are not even clear who is shooting at us. All war objectives, for better or worse, have been accomplished without firing a shot. We should simply come home.

> 5: Why are you a Libertarian?

I support small government, social and economic liberties, and the entire Bill of Rights without any compromises. No other political party
does this.

> 6: Give us an idea of your tax policy, were you to be elected:

We should make massive cuts in government programs, starting with the most invidious of all taxes, the Grandchild tax. That's the national debt: We spend the money, and give our small children the bills to pay. That's a terrible thing to do to small children, and we should stop.
All other tax cuts will follow.

> 7: How would you address Iran?

Politely. After all, Iran has not attacked a foreign country in several centuries. Notwithstanding our historical differences, we should try to have civil relations with one of the few countries in the middle east that does have an elected government, even if their election process is badly flawed by our standards.

> 8: Name one Republican and one Democrat (alive or not) that you think would best describe how you’d govern:

Barry Goldwater. Thomas Jefferson.

> 9: What would be your energy policy?

Energy is going to get more expensive. For its own energy needs, I advocate that the Federal Government should adopt carbon replacement, in which long term fixed price contracts are used to buy energy for Federal use from new, renewable sources. Details are on the Phillies 2008 web site.

> 10: What do you say to people who say you can’t win because your not Democrat or Republican?

Your vote counts twice. Once for the candidate. And once for his issues.

When you VOTE LIBERTARIAN! , you are supporting the party of small government, civil liberty, and the whole Bill of Rights. That's a position that politicians of other parties will notice.

When you vote for a Republican or a Democrat, you are voting for the parties that have brought us warrantless wiretaps, warrantless searches,detention without trial, extraordinary rendition, and torture.

When you Vote Libertarian!, you are supporting the Party that supports real American values. When you vote for a Republican or a Democrat, you are voting against our traditions and our way of life. Besides, some Libertarians have actually won.

For more on my positions, visit my official website . Your support as a volunteer or donor will be most welcome.


So now you know. You don't just have the choices the corporate media presents. If you like what you've read, be sure to support Dr. Phillies. If not, keep looking (I'll try to help!)

Dr. Phillies and his fellow candidates depend on your vigorous support, but that doesn't mean they can't win. Do your part, research your choice. You make the decisions that control your lives.

Visit Dr. Phillies on his official website, and his myspace page