Thursday, May 17, 2007

Here Comes Ron Paul

Ladies and Gentlemen of the American jury,

The Republican party is not the conservative party anymore. Senator Barry Goldwater started the modern conservative movement, and you'd think it was dead if you only paid attention to the mainstream media.

But then out of nowhere, here comes Ron Paul

I'm a Libertarian, so I doubt I'll vote for the Republican nominee for President. Unless Ron Paul is nominated, that is.

Folks, as I've said before, Ron Paul appears to be the real deal. Now, he doesn't support The Fair Tax (which I do,) but other than that, we appear to be on the same wavelength. He's a "don't tread on me" libertarian if I've ever seen one that has experience in Washington, and a honest-to-god true conservative. He wants the government out of your life (and mine too!!), and he's serious about it.

By most polling accounts, Ron Paul has won both debates thus far. Yet he still doesn't get the attention he deserves. That's because the Republican Party Leadership doesn't want him to win.

Why should they? They'd loose almost all of their power to run your daily life.

If you are a Republican and you don't nominate Ron Paul, then the Libertarian Party will.

If that happens, it doesn't matter who you nominate. Your candidate won't win. You think Ross Parot caused a stink when he took votes away from the Grand Old Party?

Wait until you see what Ron Paul can do.