Sunday, May 6, 2007

George Tenet Wants Me To Read His Book?

George Tenet has something to say. And he wants to make sure everyone knows it.

1) He did not jump up and down and tell President Bush that WMDs were a “slam dunk”. I mean, he did tell President Bush that the case for the war with Iraq was a “slam dunk”, but he did not jump up and down about it.

2) He also wants us to know that he spoke to Richard Pearle on September 12th, 2001 who told him "Iraq had to pay for the attack" . Of course, he says that the days get jumbled up and it may have been as late as late September or Early October when he said it, but he wants us to know he said it.

Mr. Tenet, I think I heard you loud and clear. You don’t want the blame for the war. And you want us to pay for a book so you to tell us this?

As far as I’m concerned George Tenet and should have been fired on September 11th, at about 12p.m.

Say what you want about September 11th (and I’ve heard a lot of different ideas, believe me), but there were definitely signs.

Tenet was a holdover from the Clinton Administration (HW Bush advised his son to keep Tenet on when he took office), and therefore had plenty of time (and information, we find in retrospect) to connect the dots.

But he did not. And now, here we are.

Mr. Tenet, I wish you’d have written a book entitled “How I Stopped An Arial Attack On America In 2001".

Now that would be a book worth reading!!!