Monday, May 7, 2007

The-Three-State Solution In Iraq

Senator Sam Brownback (R -KS) supports the Three-State-Solution. Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) has been talking about this strategy for years.

Independent news is talking about it.

The Corporate media (CNN-Time WARNER, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC -MSNBC, COX Media, etc), well they don't really report the news anymore..

The Three-State Solution would break Iraq into 3 separate states with a weaker national government. States rights supporters should love this idea. It would let the Shia control Shiite areas, Sunni to control Sunni areas, and the Kurds to control the North. The current plan proposed by Biden at least would divide oil profits among them, and the Iraqi people themselves (I know, where's our take, right).

This could be implemented quickly and efficiently, and allow us to get out, and I believe claim victory (although it be 4/12 yrs too late in coming)!!

I called The White House (you can do that, you know) to find out President Bush's official position.

I was transferred to comments, and was told I needed to call the press office. Without a press pass, I couldn't get thru to the press office. I was transferred to the white house website, which did not list a Three-State-Strategy, and then to the public liaison, where I spoke to Blake, who said that I'd need to speak to HOMELAND SECURITY?!?!. I'm emailing them the question, and I'll let you know the official answer.

Senator Johnny Isackson (my senator) supports a unified Iraq, and not a separation into 3 sem-autonomous states with a weaker central government

Senator Saxby Chambliss's office (my other senator) said they'd get back to me. I'll post the answer.

My Representative, John Linder's office (who I like, by the way) said they'd get back to me as well.

(contact info on your reps can be found on the left)

Could this be the plan that saves Iraq? I'm not sure, but I'd sure like to discuss it more.

Let me know your thoughts about a Three-State-Strategy in Iraq.

Can it work?

Should we try it?

Do you think its too late?

Of course its all up to President Bush. Its our job to ask the question!!

UPDATE: President Bush's email response:

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot
respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.
I guess there's our answer!!