Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Reaganomics Of Immigration

I'm trying to keep on top of the immigration battle on capital hill (the battle between the people and the government that is), and it looks like we're going to be cutting the number of guest workers we allow into our country by 1/2 (from 800,000 to 400,000).

I think the Republican party should step forward and stop this from happening

After all, they are the party of "supply-side economics", or as I like to call it "tinkle-down-economics".

A condensed and G-Blog opinionated version example of Supply-side economics:

You've got a company that makes televisions. In order to spur the economy, supply-siders wish to target the company with tax cuts and credits. This will allow the company to hire more employees, build more televisions, and those employees buy products and services from other companies who have lower prices because there is a higher supply. Presto!!: You have an economic upturn.

Now for the record, I've never been a big fan of supply side economics for tax policy. As a libertarian I do not think the government tax burden should be large enough to effect the economy to begin with.

But Republicans love Reaganomics. Why don't they think it should apply here? If we increase the supply, won't it lessen the demand, which keeps illegal immigration down?

Reagan would say it does.

This bill is wrong for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, immigrants, aliens and all Americans alike. This is what happens when you band-aid a problem to cut the discussion out of the election process.

It's playing politics on both sides, and we should not take this anymore.

Contact your Senator, Representative and President to let them know how you feel about this bill. Then show them how you feel about it at your next election.

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